Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Why Work? Doing The Work of God & Serving the God of Work

Why do you work? DO you have to work: of what value are all your daily tasks and human endeavors?Has your work become a burden or a source of joy and delight to you? Has the burden of your daily task become so heavy on you that you find no time for recreation and rest? In other words, are you a master or a slave of your daily work? Are you a workaholic? Has your work turned you into a "functioning person" rather than making you a "living person"? Is your work a source of inspiration and creativity or just mere routine? What are the goals and motivations for your profession and daily task? Are they geared towards materialistic and economic success or are they directed towards rendering service to humanity in the spirit of love, respect, freedom, and justice? In other words, is the measure of your labour merely based on temporary economic success or on transcendental, spiritual human values which help to promote human solidarity, freedom and dignity and which bring to perfection the vocation and the destiny of human family?
The primary concern of this book is to try to provide answers to these questions and other related ones. Following the Christian vision of work, the author presents the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity as the primary source, orientation, and ultimate goal of all human labour. In an attempt to liberate the human person from the routine enslavement of work, he reflects on the "spirituality of Human Labour". Man is the Steward of God's participation in the Paschal Mystery of Christ which makes human labour divinized. It is this spiritual vision which gives meaning and motivation to all human labour. Man is the Steward of God's creative work.
All human work and professions must reflect this spirituality. Man's participation in the Pascal Mystery of Christ makes human labour divinized. It is this spiritual vision that gives meaning and motivation to all human labour. In order to protect humankind as a master and not a slave of his work, there is a need to consider the spirituality of rest. Under the manipulative pressure of human labour, the human person needs to have some rest. He must gradually learn to "rest in God" His daily rest prepares him for the eternal rest at the end of time when death will put a stop to all forms of human labour.
All human work and professions must reflect this spirituality. Man's participation in the Pascal Mystery of Christ makes human labour divinized. It is this spiritual vision that gives meaning and motivation to all human labour. In order to protect humankind as a master and not a slave of his work, there is a need to consider the spirituality of rest. Under the manipulative pressure of human labour, the human person needs to have some rest. He must gradually learn to "rest in God" His daily rest prepares him for the eternal rest at the end of time when death will put a stop to all forms of human labour.
Thus, presenting work, as an indispensable means of personal and communitarian sanctification and salvation, the entire book ultimately challenges the readers to carry out their work with an unfliching sense of gratitude and responsibility to God through whom and with whom they continue to render loving service to humanity until the end of time.It indeed continues to be a wonderful means of revealing God's glory in man.
So, "love your work, love the people with whom you work, For from love and goodness will spring also your joy and your satisfaction:. (Pope John Paul II)
Solidarity in the Church and Solidarity Among the Igbos of Nigeria: An Anthropologico-Theological Study, 2nd Edition, Rome: Tipografica “Leberit” Via

(1)Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1982, 1987 Editions), Solidarity in the Church and Solidarity Among the Igbos of Nigeria: An Anthropologico-Theological Study, 2nd Edition, Rome: Tipografica “Leberit” Via Aurelia.
The mystery of God’s love is revealed in the saving solidarity that exists within the Church and between the Church and all cultures of the world especially the Igbo culture. “ Christ Holds all things in unity” (Col.1:17) .ABOUT THE BOOKThis Anthropologico-Theological work, “Solidarity in the Church and Solidarity among the Igbos of Nigeria”- is his doctoral thesis which was first published in 1982. Even since then, it has been circulating among scholars and non-scholars alike, and has been acknowledged as a “wonderful contribution to the growth of African Theology in modern times”. Since its theme Solidarity continues to attract great attention in recent times, there has been a great demand to have the book reprinted. In response to this urgent need, therefore, this second edition is printed after some revisions and corrections have been made.It is the sincere hope of the author that this book will assist the readers to deepen their theological understanding of solidarity and how it could be effectively expressed and experienced within the African Christian milieu in general and among the Igbos of Nigeria in particular. Since its first publication in 1982, so many readers have always testified to the usefulness of this highly academic work, for “it provides certain bases and incentives for further research in the anthropologico-theological studies in Africa”.
The mystery of God’s love is revealed in the saving solidarity that exists within the Church and between the Church and all cultures of the world especially the Igbo culture. “ Christ Holds all things in unity” (Col.1:17) .ABOUT THE BOOKThis Anthropologico-Theological work, “Solidarity in the Church and Solidarity among the Igbos of Nigeria”- is his doctoral thesis which was first published in 1982. Even since then, it has been circulating among scholars and non-scholars alike, and has been acknowledged as a “wonderful contribution to the growth of African Theology in modern times”. Since its theme Solidarity continues to attract great attention in recent times, there has been a great demand to have the book reprinted. In response to this urgent need, therefore, this second edition is printed after some revisions and corrections have been made.It is the sincere hope of the author that this book will assist the readers to deepen their theological understanding of solidarity and how it could be effectively expressed and experienced within the African Christian milieu in general and among the Igbos of Nigeria in particular. Since its first publication in 1982, so many readers have always testified to the usefulness of this highly academic work, for “it provides certain bases and incentives for further research in the anthropologico-theological studies in Africa”.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Msgr. Mozia's Publication
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1982, 1987 Editions), Solidarity in the Church and Solidarity Among the Igbos of Nigeria: An Anthropologico-Theological Study, 2nd Edition, Rome: Tipografica “Leberit” Via Aurelia.
The mystery of God’s love is revealed in the saving solidarity that exists within the Church and between the Church and all cultures of the world especially the Igbo culture. “ Christ Holds all things in unity” (Col.1:17) .
This Anthropologico-Theological work, “Solidarity in the Church and Solidarity among the Igbos of Nigeria”- is his doctoral thesis which was first published in 1982. Even since then, it has been circulating among scholars and non-scholars alike, and has been acknowledged as a “wonderful contribution to the growth of African Theology in modern times”. Since its theme Solidarity continues to attract great attention in recent times, there has been a great demand to have the book reprinted. In response to this urgent need, therefore, this second edition is printed after some revisions and corrections have been made.
It is the sincere hope of the author that this book will assist the readers to deepen their theological understanding of solidarity and how it could be effectively expressed and experienced within the African Christian milieu in general and among the Igbos of Nigeria in particular. Since its first publication in 1982, so many readers have always testified to the usefulness of this highly academic work, for “it provides certain bases and incentives for further research in the anthropologico-theological studies in Africa”.
(2) Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1987, 2000 Editions), A Call to Priestly Holiness, Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Ltd.
This book invites the readers to reflect on the mystery of God’s love. This mystery is particularly evident in Christ who is the great high Priest, and who invites his ordain ministers to share in experiencing, expressing and communicating his saving mystery. They are to be “keepers and dispensers of the mysteries of salvation”. They are to model their lives in the mysteries they celebrate by living out their vows of chastity, poverty and obedience like their Divine Master. In this way the priest is able to “meditate on the mysteries they celebrate and model his life the mysteries”. Thus he becomes an authentic witness to Christ in his sacramental and non-sacramental life and activities.
Commenting on this Bishop A.O. Gbuji, The Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Nigeria, has this to say: This is thought provoking, soul searching, and theologically sound write up, particularly for priests and candidates for the priesthood”.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1988), The Predicaments of Adolescents in Nigerian Secondary Schools, Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Ltd.
This book, “The Predicaments of Adolescents in Nigerian Secondary Schools” is therefore, borne out of his pedagogical and counselling experiences and his constant interactions with adolescents. The work is a sincere effort to identify certain vital psycho-pedagogical problems of the adolescents and to provide some solutions within the context of Nigerian secondary educational system. It is the hope of the author that the book will assist Nigerian educators in dealing with the innumerable problems that disturb the development of an integrated personality in adolescents.
This work is a masterpiece and I am sure it will meet the requirements of the higher educational institutions, education students and of researchers in Education.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1994), New Evangelization and Moral Theology: An African Perspective, 3rd Edition, Ibadan: New Borne Publishers.
The spirit of Evangelization 2000 unconditionally demands that these Christians be heard. The African Synod, we pray, will necessarily be one of the more articulate and authentic voices to which the whole church must listen most attentively. But the fathers of the synod itself must be fully assured that they are speaking neither into nor from a vacuum. Their own voices must resound with those of every Christian who reflects on his or her own faith, to share it with others.
One of the very welcome and valuable voices in this contemporary chorus is that of Rev. Fr Michael Ifeanyi Mozia, Nigerian Diocesan Priest of the Diocese of Issele-Uku, and Professor of Theology at the major seminary of SS Peter and Paul in Ibadan. Father Mozia makes his own notable contribution to these great undertakings of Evangelization 2000 and the African Synod through the pages of this present book. Academically, he speaks from his own broad experience in research, writing and teaching, as well as his pastoral ministry. Personally, he speaks from within his own cultural experience as an African, from his own faith experience as a Christian, and from his own missionary experience as a priest. More importantly, however, his voice clearly echoes his own love for and appreciation of what all of these qualities mean today for authentically preaching the Christian faith for the formation of an authentic African Christian.
In this book, New Evangelization and Christian Moral Theology: An African Perspective, the many specific questions that have been touched upon in the foregoing remarks are dealt with at much greater length. Father Mozia, with an approach marked by sincere appreciation of the past, critical evaluation of the present, and constructive suggestions for moving ahead to the future, gives concrete shape and substance to the areas of concern discussed above, from a moral perspective. This is a valuable contribution towards achieving the goals of Evangelization 2000 and The African Synod. May more African theologians emulate his good example, and make more useful contributions to the task of evangelization.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1998), Mystagogy in the Secular Age: A Pastoral Guide, 2nd Edition, Ibadan: New Borne Publishers.
In the face of life-threatening danger of secularism today, this book focuses on Christianity as the solution. It presents Christianity not only as a religion but more so as a Revelation. It is in this context that the author tries to answer some fundamental questions relating to secularism. For example, some basic questions which immediately come to mind are: what is secularism? To what extent does it affect Christianity in general and the dignity of the human person in particular? Are Christians today sufficiently aware of its devastating danger especially in the area of evangelization? What should be the correct attitude to secularism? Should modern developments in science and technology necessarily lead to secularism? What should be the Christian vision and attitude towards modern technological inventions and discoveries especially in building such a vision and attitude? This challenging book “Mystagogy in the Secular Age” sets out to provide answers to the above questions. It advocates an acute “Sense of Mystery” which can lead the Christian and all people of good will to recognize experience and express the saving mysteries of Christ in every sector of human life and activity. This is why the book serves as a Pastoral Guide.
This book sets out to give some insights into the mystery of Christ and challenges the readers to experience God in his mystery. It is therefore an invitation to the readers to become more aware of God in his mystery as the individual reaches out to others in service.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (2000), Christian Morality and Charisms, 3rd Edition, Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Ltd.
In this short study, Msgr. Mozia emphasizes the uniqueness of Christian morality, underlining its characteristic features. He affirms that Christianity is not primarily about ethics, but about salvation. In his discussion of charisms in the church, the author posits that charisms are not necessarily as sign of holiness, although their proper understanding and sharing could enhance holiness in the community. His theological reflection extends to suffering; which he sees as playing a salvific plan of salvation. The ultimate goal of Christian morality and Charisms is to lead the faithful into everlasting happiness with God in heaven.
(7) Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (2000), Holiness and Divine Mercy: The Key to Heaven, Edition, Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Ltd.
8. This is the eighth publication
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia: Why Work: Doing the Work of God and Serving the God of Work. St. Paul. OKe-Padi, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2005
I come to see all these publications as special manifestations of God’s love in my life. It is my earnest prayer that as many people as possible that read this work will come to discover God’s love in my life as well as in theirs and they will in turn spreads this love of God through their lives and work.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1982, 1987 Editions), Solidarity in the Church and Solidarity Among the Igbos of Nigeria: An Anthropologico-Theological Study, 2nd Edition, Rome: Tipografica “Leberit” Via Aurelia.
The mystery of God’s love is revealed in the saving solidarity that exists within the Church and between the Church and all cultures of the world especially the Igbo culture. “ Christ Holds all things in unity” (Col.1:17) .
This Anthropologico-Theological work, “Solidarity in the Church and Solidarity among the Igbos of Nigeria”- is his doctoral thesis which was first published in 1982. Even since then, it has been circulating among scholars and non-scholars alike, and has been acknowledged as a “wonderful contribution to the growth of African Theology in modern times”. Since its theme Solidarity continues to attract great attention in recent times, there has been a great demand to have the book reprinted. In response to this urgent need, therefore, this second edition is printed after some revisions and corrections have been made.
It is the sincere hope of the author that this book will assist the readers to deepen their theological understanding of solidarity and how it could be effectively expressed and experienced within the African Christian milieu in general and among the Igbos of Nigeria in particular. Since its first publication in 1982, so many readers have always testified to the usefulness of this highly academic work, for “it provides certain bases and incentives for further research in the anthropologico-theological studies in Africa”.
(2) Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1987, 2000 Editions), A Call to Priestly Holiness, Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Ltd.
This book invites the readers to reflect on the mystery of God’s love. This mystery is particularly evident in Christ who is the great high Priest, and who invites his ordain ministers to share in experiencing, expressing and communicating his saving mystery. They are to be “keepers and dispensers of the mysteries of salvation”. They are to model their lives in the mysteries they celebrate by living out their vows of chastity, poverty and obedience like their Divine Master. In this way the priest is able to “meditate on the mysteries they celebrate and model his life the mysteries”. Thus he becomes an authentic witness to Christ in his sacramental and non-sacramental life and activities.
Commenting on this Bishop A.O. Gbuji, The Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Nigeria, has this to say: This is thought provoking, soul searching, and theologically sound write up, particularly for priests and candidates for the priesthood”.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1988), The Predicaments of Adolescents in Nigerian Secondary Schools, Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Ltd.
This book, “The Predicaments of Adolescents in Nigerian Secondary Schools” is therefore, borne out of his pedagogical and counselling experiences and his constant interactions with adolescents. The work is a sincere effort to identify certain vital psycho-pedagogical problems of the adolescents and to provide some solutions within the context of Nigerian secondary educational system. It is the hope of the author that the book will assist Nigerian educators in dealing with the innumerable problems that disturb the development of an integrated personality in adolescents.
This work is a masterpiece and I am sure it will meet the requirements of the higher educational institutions, education students and of researchers in Education.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1994), New Evangelization and Moral Theology: An African Perspective, 3rd Edition, Ibadan: New Borne Publishers.
The spirit of Evangelization 2000 unconditionally demands that these Christians be heard. The African Synod, we pray, will necessarily be one of the more articulate and authentic voices to which the whole church must listen most attentively. But the fathers of the synod itself must be fully assured that they are speaking neither into nor from a vacuum. Their own voices must resound with those of every Christian who reflects on his or her own faith, to share it with others.
One of the very welcome and valuable voices in this contemporary chorus is that of Rev. Fr Michael Ifeanyi Mozia, Nigerian Diocesan Priest of the Diocese of Issele-Uku, and Professor of Theology at the major seminary of SS Peter and Paul in Ibadan. Father Mozia makes his own notable contribution to these great undertakings of Evangelization 2000 and the African Synod through the pages of this present book. Academically, he speaks from his own broad experience in research, writing and teaching, as well as his pastoral ministry. Personally, he speaks from within his own cultural experience as an African, from his own faith experience as a Christian, and from his own missionary experience as a priest. More importantly, however, his voice clearly echoes his own love for and appreciation of what all of these qualities mean today for authentically preaching the Christian faith for the formation of an authentic African Christian.
In this book, New Evangelization and Christian Moral Theology: An African Perspective, the many specific questions that have been touched upon in the foregoing remarks are dealt with at much greater length. Father Mozia, with an approach marked by sincere appreciation of the past, critical evaluation of the present, and constructive suggestions for moving ahead to the future, gives concrete shape and substance to the areas of concern discussed above, from a moral perspective. This is a valuable contribution towards achieving the goals of Evangelization 2000 and The African Synod. May more African theologians emulate his good example, and make more useful contributions to the task of evangelization.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (1998), Mystagogy in the Secular Age: A Pastoral Guide, 2nd Edition, Ibadan: New Borne Publishers.
In the face of life-threatening danger of secularism today, this book focuses on Christianity as the solution. It presents Christianity not only as a religion but more so as a Revelation. It is in this context that the author tries to answer some fundamental questions relating to secularism. For example, some basic questions which immediately come to mind are: what is secularism? To what extent does it affect Christianity in general and the dignity of the human person in particular? Are Christians today sufficiently aware of its devastating danger especially in the area of evangelization? What should be the correct attitude to secularism? Should modern developments in science and technology necessarily lead to secularism? What should be the Christian vision and attitude towards modern technological inventions and discoveries especially in building such a vision and attitude? This challenging book “Mystagogy in the Secular Age” sets out to provide answers to the above questions. It advocates an acute “Sense of Mystery” which can lead the Christian and all people of good will to recognize experience and express the saving mysteries of Christ in every sector of human life and activity. This is why the book serves as a Pastoral Guide.
This book sets out to give some insights into the mystery of Christ and challenges the readers to experience God in his mystery. It is therefore an invitation to the readers to become more aware of God in his mystery as the individual reaches out to others in service.
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (2000), Christian Morality and Charisms, 3rd Edition, Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Ltd.
In this short study, Msgr. Mozia emphasizes the uniqueness of Christian morality, underlining its characteristic features. He affirms that Christianity is not primarily about ethics, but about salvation. In his discussion of charisms in the church, the author posits that charisms are not necessarily as sign of holiness, although their proper understanding and sharing could enhance holiness in the community. His theological reflection extends to suffering; which he sees as playing a salvific plan of salvation. The ultimate goal of Christian morality and Charisms is to lead the faithful into everlasting happiness with God in heaven.
(7) Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia (2000), Holiness and Divine Mercy: The Key to Heaven, Edition, Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Ltd.
8. This is the eighth publication
Msgr. Michael Ifeanyi Mozia: Why Work: Doing the Work of God and Serving the God of Work. St. Paul. OKe-Padi, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2005
I come to see all these publications as special manifestations of God’s love in my life. It is my earnest prayer that as many people as possible that read this work will come to discover God’s love in my life as well as in theirs and they will in turn spreads this love of God through their lives and work.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
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